Cheaper monthly Netflix deals could be available by the end of 2022 as the firm tries to tempt back customers and improve its income.
Two new Omicron strains are causing a rise in Covid-19 cases in South Africa and UK health officials are watching closely.
After months of strict avian flu restrictions bird keepers can now let flocks outside – a move that should also see free range eggs back on sale.
E scooters could soon be legalised for use on UK roads suggests the transport secretary who is pledging to tackle those being ridden dangerously.
Eight dogs are stolen every day in the UK and these are the breeds most likely to be targeted by thieves.
Cases of new Covid-19 variant Omicron XE have doubled in a fortnight with most in the south and east of England, but is this sharp rise a concern?
Medics, investigating a mystery rise in hepatitis illness in children, issue more advice for parents as cases are detected in Europe and the US.
HM Passport Office has issued a strong warning to people planning to go abroad in the coming months as demand for passports reaches an all time high.
More than a million half price train tickets have gone on sale today but what's the deal, how can you buy and is there a catch?
Millions of cars are now fitted with a potentially life-saving button, says National Highways, but drivers know very little about the SOS technology.
Covid cases are surging and access to free lateral flow tests is being scaled back but with days to go confusion reigns over the plans.
New mobile phone laws are coming into force today with big penalties for drivers caught not following the tougher rules.
Drivers on England's busiest roads failing to follow a basic safety rule, say Highways chiefs, which is contributing to one in eight crashes.
Covid cases are rising rapidly again and among them may be a new variant – but what is Deltacron, where is it and how worried should we be?
Covid cases are rising in people aged 55 and over, with the latest REACT virus study picking up its second highest prevalence rate since 2020.
The cost of heating oil has more than doubled in days leaving millions of people facing astronomical bills to heat their homes.
Traffic officers, who have been abused, had items thrown at them and even been assaulted, will now use body-worn cameras says National Highways.
Calls are growing for the government to cut the VAT on fuel as petrol prices reach record high as the war in Ukraine escalates.
As the war in Ukraine enters its eighth day people are being urged to give money and not goods that may 'obstruct supply chains' says the government.
If images of Ukrainian families fleeing their homes because of war has left you wanting to do something, here are some ways to help from the UK: