A 'perfect storm' is causing the sweeping wave of industrial action, says an employment expert, as firefighters and nurses now face strike votes.
A new campaign aims to persuade one million people to stop paying their bills if energy prices aren't cut but charities are warning against joining.
Rail services are facing major disruption on a 'busy weekend', says the Rail Delivery Group, as train drivers gear-up for more strike action.
Drivers with keyless car entry systems are leaving themselves exposed to theft, say insurance experts, who say owners must do more to protect cars.
The price of petrol and diesel is starting to drop at supermarkets but the RAC says bigger retailers could still do more for drivers.
With food prices continuing to rise, Waitrose has become the latest supermarket to announce it will scrap best before dates on hundreds of products.
More details have been released as to how households will get £400 to help with energy costs, but with bills trippling can it make a difference?
Gas and electric bills are facing astronomical rises according to warnings out today but why is it happening and what help is there for you?
The Highway Code has been updated to reflect the tougher punishments now in place for drivers who kill someone.
The Commonwealth Games in Birmingham begin this week - here's everything you need to know about the start of the event.
The Delta Aquariids meteor shower is about to peak and here's where and when you might catch the best display.
Children's activity levels drop during the summer holidays, claim health officials, who are appealing to parents to keep kids moving from this week.
With the school holidays just days away, airlines have been issued with a strongly-worded warning about summer cancellations.
The Oxford English Dictionary has undergone a 2022 summer update – how many of these new words and sayings do you recognise?
A summer of travel woes could be on the cards as more national train strikes are set for the coming weeks.
An amber warning for extreme heat is in place and temperatures could break all records so why are gritting teams now on standby?
Eight million homes will get an extra £326 this week to help with the cost of living but many will struggle to make it last five weeks says a charity.
As visitors to one Italian resort are banned from wearing swimwear on the streets we look at some other unusual rules in place across the globe.
High pressure is going to bring very hot dry weather over the next week with some forecasts warning of the potential for another heatwave.
Millions of workers are expected to see their take-home pay increase from this month thanks to changes to National Insurance contributions.