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Calls to clamp down on anti-social behaviour at Earlswood Lakes

ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour is making life hell for residents living near Earlswood Lakes.

The beauty spot - built in the 1820s – has been used by generations for leisure, but there are ongoing problems with residents reporting drug dealing, racing cars, loitering and anti-social behaviour caused by excessive drinking.

Calls to close causeway to keep out ASB
Calls to close causeway to keep out ASB

They told the Herald, despite action and extra powers to tackle the behaviour, the area is regularly flooded by groups of people in cars who turn up at the lakes during the early evening and stay most of the night, eating takeaways, littering, lighting fireworks and taking nitrous oxide and leaving empty gas canisters at the scene.

According to a Tanworth Parish Council spokesperson, attempts by residents to discuss the issues with the visitors have been met with verbal abuse and even threats, and the police have been called on multiple occasions.

A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) was previously put in place by Stratford District Council with support from Warwickshire Police. The order started in May 2021 and lasted for three years, expiring on 1st May this year. But that order had been labelled a “failure” by the parish council spokesperson, who added: “Despite the police being initially bullish about their intention to enforce it, they said from early on that they don’t have the resources.

“This means we have not seen any reduction in ASB and the PSPO was a waste of time and money. Three weeks ago we had fireworks launched from a moving vehicle after midnight. The wildlife is frightened, especially when the area is otherwise silent.

“Residents have seen drugs being openly dealt on numerous occasions on Malthouse Lane, in Earlswood Park and on the causeway.”

It’s also claimed benches, fishing pontoons, road signs, safety railings and children’s play equipment have been vandalised and recently a car crashed at speed into safety barriers on the causeway. A few days later another vehicle crashed into the already damaged barriers.

The parish council spokesperson said fish poaching and illegal night fishing also occur regularly and that Warwickshire Police’s Rural Crime Team had been out several times and confiscated fishing equipment and, on one occasion, confiscated a car which was not registered at the DVLA.

“As a community we have had enough of the ASB,” said the spokesperson. “We know that when the causeway is closed, there is an immediate, significant reduction in ASB.

“There are residents who do not want to see it permanently closed however, so we recently proposed to have resident-only access barriers on the causeway. The implementation of these barriers would have been mainly funded by the parish council which has accrued funds to help tackle the ASB.”

A Warwickshire Police spokesperson said: “We empathise with the residents affected and this area has been identified as one of the priority locations for proactive patrols over the summer. We continue to work with our partners to explore all options.

“In relation to late-night fishing, neighbourhood officers have been working with rural crime officers to take enforcement action – resulting in several prosecutions. The most recent prosecution was on 7th July.”

A spokesperson for Stratford District Council said it hadn’t received any specific reports around ASB within Earlswood.

Members of the parish council say they have been discussing ASB at Earlswood Lakes with SDC for several years, both via e-mail and in person.

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