Amber and yellow warnings of rainfall issued for district as roadworks add to drivers’ frustration in Stratford.
UPDATE: The Environment Agency has issued a flood alert for the River Stour near Shipston.
The EA said: “River levels are rising at the Shipston river gauge as a result of heavy rainfall. Consequently, flooding of property, roads and farmland is possible this afternoon and overnight4. Further rainfall is forecast over the next 24 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are actively checking river levels and the weather forecast. Please avoid using low lying footpaths and bridges near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.”
Traffic was slow-moving in Stratford town centre this morning (Monday) as heavy rainfall and roadworks took effect.
Amber and yellow warnings of rainfall were issued for the district by the Met Office, with the bad weather forecast to continue throughout Monday into the early hours of Tuesday.
Some areas are predicted to get as much as 80mm-100mm rain over the course of today. Currently (as at 10.30am) the weather map shows Stratford getting 4-16mm of rain an hour.
However, for now, flood warnings initially issued for local rivers, the Stour, Arrow and Alne, were removed at 8.10am this morning (Monday).
Unfortunately the road congestion looks set to continue as development work on the Birmingham Road frustrates residents and drivers.
Many have been calling for St Peter’s Way to reopen. It cuts through from the Birmingham Road to Bishopton Lane and had been providing an alternate route avoiding the worst of the jam on Birmingham Road, but has been closed by the Highways Department over safety concerns.
The closure of one lane on Wood Street, while jewellers Pragnell puts in safety measures, is also adding to drivers’ woes.
Full update on roadworks will be in Thursday’s edition of the Herald.