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Murderers of Stratford footballer Cody Fisher will not have prison sentences reviewed

THE two men convicted of murdering Cody Fisher will not have their sentences reviewed.

A referral had been made to the Attorney General’s Office in April asking for a review into the prison terms given to Remy Gordon and Kami Carpenter, who stabbed Cody to death at the Crane nightclub in Digbeth on Boxing Day, 2022.

Each was given a life sentence for murder, with Gordon required to serve a minimum of 26 years and Carpenter 25 years.

Remy Gordon, of Cofton Park Drive, Birmingham. Photo: West Midlands Police
Remy Gordon, of Cofton Park Drive, Birmingham. Photo: West Midlands Police

It had been argued that the sentences were too lenient, however, the minimum prison terms will stand as the case will not be referred to the Court of Appeal for review.

A spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office said the threshold for a review was high and after careful consideration, the Solicitor General concluded the case "cannot properly be referred to the Court of Appeal".

Cody, 23, who was a PE coach at St Gregory’s School in Stratford and played for Stratford Town Football Club, was killed as an “awful act of revenge” after he accidentally knocked into Gordon’s back in a crowded bar two nights before the attack.

He was stabbed on the dance floor.

Kami Carpenter, of Owens Croft, Kings Norton. Photo: West Midlands Police
Kami Carpenter, of Owens Croft, Kings Norton. Photo: West Midlands Police

Gordon, of Cofton Park Drive, Birmingham, orchestrated the attack but it was Carpenter, of Owens Croft, Kings Norton, who stabbed Cody.

Cody’s mother, Tracey Fisher, spoke out after the court case saying the sentencing will not act as a deterrent for other young people.

She said while it was a “blessing” Cody’s killers were no longer on the streets, she felt that sentences for carrying knives needed to be harsher.

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