Maisie from Ettington has hair cut to help children with cancer
MAISIE Hyde, aged five, has got a big heart which is why she’s donated her hair to one charity and raised over £700 for another.
The Ettington Primary School pupil had 13 inches of her long hair cut and then donated it to the Little Princess Trust for children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment but thanks to other children – like Maisie – they can wear a real hair wig.
Maisie, from Ettington, also chose to raise awareness by donating over £700 for Matt’s Mission which helps seriously ill children with cancer and special needs with gifts and family trips.
“Family and friends made 40 donations to Maisie’s charity cause and her brothers, Lucas and Charlie, also supported her as did her school friends. She will probably grow her hair and do it all over again,” said Maisie’s mum, Kimberley.
The fundraising added up to a big donation of kindness from Maisie whose favourite subject at school is maths.
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