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Summer show raises money for Christmas carols

SUMMER bees, flowers, vegetables and tea on the green saw Luddington’s annual produce show raise £260 for this year’s Christmas carol concert.

There were prizes for children and adults for their paintings and pictures, a photographic competition and a special appearance by Stratford Bee Keepers who keep their hives in Luddington.

Luddington Produce Show held on Sunday on the village green saw exhibitors celebrate with their prize winning entries includingNeville Evans, 1st prize in three flowers, Keri Dobson 1st prize for her jar of herbs, Terry Horsman, 1st prize for his trug of vegetables, Phil Stanley, 1st prize for his three little tiger dahlia, and David Heyworth, 1st prize in the open photography competition with his image of a kingfisher. Photo: Iain Duck
Luddington Produce Show held on Sunday on the village green saw exhibitors celebrate with their prize winning entries includingNeville Evans, 1st prize in three flowers, Keri Dobson 1st prize for her jar of herbs, Terry Horsman, 1st prize for his trug of vegetables, Phil Stanley, 1st prize for his three little tiger dahlia, and David Heyworth, 1st prize in the open photography competition with his image of a kingfisher. Photo: Iain Duck

David Heyworth, one of the show’s organisers, took first prize in the open photography competition with his image of a kingfisher.

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