Time to nominate your sports awards heroes
NOMINATIONS open next week to honour the area’s sporting stars and unsung heroes in the 2018 Stratford-on-Avon District Sports Awards.
The district council will host a celebration of sport to recognise the sporting excellence and commitment of individuals and teams and the hard work of coaches, teachers and volunteers over the past 12 months.
The awards evening, supported by Everyone Active, will be held on Friday, 18th January 2019 at the Stratford Playhouse
Nominations can be made in the following ten categories from Monday, 12th November:
- Junior Sports Person
- Senior Sports Person
- Junior Para-Sports Person
- Senior Para-Sports Person
- Junior Team
- Senior Team
- Coach or PE Teacher
- Volunteer
- Media Correspondent
- Service to Sport Award
All nominations need to be submitted by Monday 3rd December and can be made via the Sports Awards page of the Stratford-on-Avon District Council website.
For further information visit the council website or contact the Leisure Team on 01789 260115 or leisure@stratford-dc.gov.uk