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Medals for rowers at Monmouth meeting

A STRONG squad of masters women from Stratford Boat Club competed in both divisions at Sunday’s Monmouth Winter Head, winning medals in the VIII and Quads.

This was the largest number of masters women that Stratford has seen out in a while, boating two VIIIs, three quads and a coxed four. Despite a series of unfortunate events that could have derailed the plans for the day, including crew illness, mechanical failure resulting in two boats remaining at Stratford and some awful weather, the adaptability of the squad members coupled with generosity from Monmouth rescued the situation and saved the day.

In the morning division, the first VIII composite had a very solid row in a time of 7.39mins, beating two other crews. The stern pair of Amanda Bowden and Suzie Radley set a strong rhythm for the crew. The middle four of Heather Hayton, Rebecca England, Ruth Poulten and Charlotte Jones, were called upon a couple of times for extra pushes. The response was felt and the boat lifted, supported with good timing from Rona Fitzpatrick and Susan Brown (Xpress Boat Club) in the bows. The crew was ably coxed by Keris McShane.

Stratford BC’s women’s masters D/E crew (left to right): Susie Radley, Amanda Bowden, Heather Hayton and Susan Brown.
Stratford BC’s women’s masters D/E crew (left to right): Susie Radley, Amanda Bowden, Heather Hayton and Susan Brown.

The second VIII of Jane Cryer (stroke), Ellie Davies, Emily Sayer, Lin Hansen, Geraldine Chorley, Lucy Kelleher, Claudine Pearson and Paola Arevelo Ward, were confidently coxed along the 2.25km by Jen Carey. The crew went off at a rate of 26 strokes per minute, settling to 24 after three minutes before finishing strongly at 27 with a respectable time of 8.22mins. This was an enjoyable row despite the cold wet conditions and challenges faced to get a boat on the water.

In the afternoon division, the winning women’s masters C 4x of Ellie Davis, Gina Fusco, Christine Goodwin and Emily Sayers had a very good row to beat Worcester by seven seconds. They were delighted with the win having stuck to their race plan.

The winning composite women’s masters D/E 4x of Heather Hayton, Suzie Radley, Amanda Bowden and Susan Brown (Xpress Boat Club) had a fabulous row, in a time of 7.37mins beating Upton and Gloucester.

The novice women’s masters D/E 4x was stroked by Lucy Kelleher and backed up by Jane Connolly, Mel Brown (substitute) and Claudine Pearson with the latter steering for the first time in a race. This developmental stage for a sculler is a positive step for racing crews.

The women’s masters C 4+ was coxed by Jen Carey, stroked by Rebecca England, and supported by Lin Hansen, Jane Cryer and Ruth Poulten. They came in 26 seconds after the winners, Evesham Boat Club. This crew is recently formed and one to watch in the future.

Vice-captain Amanda Bowden said: “The squad is developing to show real strength in depth. Crews are beginning to see rewards, or will do soon, for the effort they put in.

Stratford’s winning women’s masters C squad of (left to right): Ellie Davis, Gina Fusco, Emily Sayers and Christine Goodwin.
Stratford’s winning women’s masters C squad of (left to right): Ellie Davis, Gina Fusco, Emily Sayers and Christine Goodwin.

“Time on the water and in the gym is ensuring that we have strong and technically competitive crews. I am delighted with the progress this autumn; it bodes well for the summer racing.

“Thanks goes to Eric Appleton for trailering and supporting the crews on a rather cold, damp day and to the finishing coaches Dan Simkins and Sam Hill.”

Sadly, the juniors squads’ Wycliffe Small Boats Head on Saturday was cancelled at the very last minute after the crews and their boats had travelled to the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal.

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