Wellesbourne and Stockton recycling centres to re-open tomorrow
Household recycling centres in Wellesbourne and Stockton are set to re-open tomorrow (26 September), following their closure earlier this year due to the pandemic.
Warwickshire’s seven larger recycling centres, including Stratford’s, have been open for some time, but it has taken longer to re-open smaller sites such as those at Wellesbourne and Stockton.
A booking system has been in place at the larger centres and this will also be in place at Wellesbourne and Stockton.
Initially, Stockton will be open on Saturday and Sunday only and Wellesbourne will be open on Saturday, Sunday and Monday only. Usual opening hours for these days will apply.
Anyone wanting to book a slot at one of the centres, can do so by visiting https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/recyclingcentres
Cllr Heather Timms, portfolio holder for the environment, heritage and culture, said: “I am absolutely delighted by how well the reopening of our household waste recycling centres has been received by all our residents, how well the new booking system has enabled effective social distancing and how responsible and courteous all the visitors to our open sites have been. The booking system has drawn recognition nationally as a model of best practice.
“It is great news that all of our facilities will be open when Stockton and Wellesbourne recycling centres reopen on the 26 September. We know how much residents value the service, so I am pleased that we can soon offer the opportunity to recycle at all of our sites, whilst keeping visitors and staff safe.”