Warning issued over bogus Highways Department workmen in Warwickshire
Buildings with private car parks are being targeted by bogus Highways Department workmen, warn Warwickshire County Council Trading Standards Service.
The men claim they have been renewing road markings before offering to use their leftover paint to repaint lines on the car parks. They will quote a very low price, usually a few hundred pounds, but after the work is completed will demand thousands.
The bogus workmen are reported to be making unexpected phone calls to the owners/operators of buildings with car parks across the County. They may claim to be Council Highways or Traffic Management staff.
Warwickshire County Councillor Andy Crump, portfolio holder for community safety said: “Warwickshire County Council Highways staff or companies operating on behalf of the Council will never make offers of this sort.”
“We advise that that you put the phone down and report the scam to Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.”
Residents are reminded never to buy goods or services from unexpected doorstep callers or people who make unsolicited telephone calls.
For more information and advice on scams and rogue traders, visit: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/tradingstandards