Vehicle collides with Bidford Bridge
Bidford’s historic bridge has been damaged once again after a trade vehicle collided with the structure yesterday.
A Warwickshire County Council spokesperson said: A road traffic collision incident occurred at around midnight last night (14/7/21) at Bidford Bridge, involving a trades vehicle which collided with and damaged the grade I listed bridge's parapet.
“Arrangements have been made this morning to temporarily close the bridge to make it safe by clearing the pedestrian landing area of debris, removing any loose stone from damaged parapets, and installing temporary pedestrian barriers to allow the safe passage of vehicles. Subject to further structural inspection later today the road may reopen to vehicles. At this time it is envisaged the road will remain open to pedestrians and cyclists, gaining access to and from Big Meadow park.
“The Avon Navigation Trust have issued emergency safety warnings to the river users passing below, with further safety warning signs to be erected on approaches - warning people to stay inside their vessels on passing. There will be the need for Bridge Maintenance to attempt to safeguard the elevation over the navigable channel in due course.
“An early estimate on repairs would suggest works to make good being scheduled for September or October time and this will be confirmed at a later date.”
In an update this afternoon, Warwickshire County Council said the road had re-opened to vehicular traffic, pedestrians and the navigable arch remains open to vessels having removed the direct risk of falling debris.
Back in 2015 Bidford Bridge was severely damaged by a large agricultural vehicle.
The resulting damage saw it closed for several months and cost around £390,000 to repair.