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Tributes paid to former district council leader Bob Stevens

Colleagues at Stratford District Council have paid tribute to former leader Bob Stevens following his death last week at the age of 79.

Bob, who was leader between 2000 and 2003, was also one of Warwickshire County Council’s longest serving members, serving since 1997.

Ward member for Feldon, he was deputy leader at the county council from 2005 to 2013 and chairman from 2015 to 2016.

Bob spent a long career in the Royal Navy where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He retained a strong interest in the armed forces and was heavily involved in the work of the British Legion as President alongside his County Council duties.

Bob was closely involved with Gallanos House in Southam, a care home for those with connections to the Forces as well as Poppy Lodge, a similar facility in the area specialising in care for ex-Armed Forces personnel with dementia.

Besides the Armed Forces, Bob had a passion for sport, particularly cricket and rugby and he encouraged many young people in his ward to get involved while giving his time to help officiate rugby matches.

He was known as a sociable gentleman who was at home in the convivial atmosphere of a pub, notably The Blue Lias.

Following his death on Friday (31 July), colleagues have been sharing their memories of Bob.

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council, said: “Bob was a kind and helpful mentor to me in my early days of being a councillor. He always had time for anyone and was calm and considered at all times.

“His career was with the Navy hence his particular interest in anything military. He was closely involved with Gallanos House in Southam, a care home for those with connections to the forces, and I am sure I am not the only one he has encouraged to go and see the excellent work they do.

“It will be just one of many lasting legacies that he leaves.”

Chris Saint, former leader of Stratford District Council, served alongside Bob at both district and county level.

He said: “At times, there were tensions but we reconciled these over the years to end up good friends. We developed a valued working relationship, where I remember Bob as a strong team player, very loyal to his cause and very supportive of good manners, respect and fair play.”

Cllr Christopher Kettle, Chairman of Stratford-on-Avon District Council added: “Bob Stevens will be remembered by many as a kind and effective Councillor, and when someone has spent over 28 years of his life serving as a District or County Councillor, one who was very dedicated.

“I personally have known Bob as for many years as he was my County Councillor, always ready to listen and to help, a valuable advocate for his residents and fellow councillors.

“Very conscious of his own Naval background, his influence, particularly helping those former service personnel who were in need of support, was always appreciated. We will all miss him.

“He leaves a great example and legacy for us to follow and for which his family can justifiably be proud.”

Bob is survived by his sons Peter and Michael and his two grandchildren Corin and Tilly.

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