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The two Warwickshire chefs giving away 100 Christmas turkey roast dinners

TWO chefs giving away 100 Christmas turkey roast dinners say more families are struggling to put food on the table this year.

Mihaly Bencsik and Csaba Szabo, who jointly own Henley-based catering company Food Champs, originally offered 50 free festive meals to struggling families in the Alcester area.

But when all 50 were snapped up within hours, the generous pair decided to make twice as many.

The traditional turkey roasts come with all the trimmings, including gravy.

Mihaly said: “We are both from very poor families, so we know the feeling of there being no meat on the table.

Mihaly Bencsik & Csaba Szabo of Food Champs.
Mihaly Bencsik & Csaba Szabo of Food Champs.

“Many children face the reality of empty cupboards and going without festive treats and we want to put a smile on their faces.”

He added: “The response to our offer has been overwhelming.

“This year there are so many families struggling to put food on the table.”

It’s the third year running the pair have offered free turkey roasts to families in need – they handled 30-40 requests in the first year and 50 last year.

Elsewhere, the team at Fred Winter are offering a Christmas dinner from 1pm on Tuesday 24th December at its Guild Street centre.

A festive crafts session at the same venue on Wednesday 18th December runs from 11am-1pm.

A celebration with Orbit Housing, also at the Fred Winter centre, on Thursday 19th December from 3pm-7pm will include crafts, a quiz, bingo, food and karaoke, free turkey baps and mince pies and a Christmas gift.

Tina Prashar-Malley, volunteer and wellbeing co-ordinator at the Fred Winter Centre told the Herald: “We will also be running our breakfast club every morning except Christmas Day and Boxing Day.”

She added: “We are dealing with more vulnerable people and are seeing more people at our breakfast clubs.”

As reported in the Herald last week, charity Stepping Stones is closing its services and its final session from 10am to 2pm on 17th December will be a turkey roast Christmas lunch at the United Reform Church in Rother Street, Stratford.

Shipston Community Christmas say everyone is welcome to its Christmas party from 10am on 25th December at Shipston scout hut.

A spokesperson said: “If you aren’t expecting visitors on Christmas Day, then please come along.”

They added: “This year we’ll continue to support people who find Christmas difficult. We welcome anyone of any age, for any reason.”

Drinks and mince pies are available for drop-ins but Christmas dinners must be pre-ordered.

The team can also arrange for home visits and deliveries for those unable to leave their homes.

Meanwhile, the Community Kitchen at the Ken Kennett Centre in Justins Avenue, Stratford, will be open on Friday 20th December and Friday 27th December from 5pm-6.30pm. The 20th December session will be a Christmas party with music, non-alcoholic cocktails and a festive menu of mushroom and bean Wellington.

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