Table tennis academy opens in Stratford
There were celebrations at Stratford’s JLM Table Tennis Academy this month as the organisation finally opened at its new permanent home in the town.
The academy, founded in 2016 in memory of John Mytton, is located at Foundation House, offering a venue to play table tennis during two sessions every Friday.
Earlier this year the organisation joined forces with the developers of Bell Court to run ‘Pop-Up Ping Pong’ at the site every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer.
The sessions proved very successful with more than 1,000 people taking part.
The Academy has grown out of the table tennis club established by John Mytton in Evesham, which has been encouraging people to take up the sport since the 1970s.
It still runs regular sessions in Evesham at Wallace House.
Speaking at the academy’s grand opening at Foundation House on 26 October, academy chairman Luke Moffat said: “I would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone involved in making tonight the success it was! I am incredibly proud to chair such a thriving and progressive club, that now has two locations.
“What a fantastic achievement! A personal thanks once again, must go to Kevin Taylor who has been a driving force in making tonight happen.”
The JLM TT Academy is open at Foundation House on Masons Road on Friday evenings 4.30-6.30pm and 7-9pm.