Stratford welcomes Shakespeare statue back after £45,000 restoration project
GUESS who just got back today (Wednesday)? It’s now official, the Bard is back in town and looking resplendent in time for his Birthday Celebrations this weekend having been lifted into position at the front of the town hall after a major £45,000 restoration.
Thanks to the Shakespeare’s Coming Home fundraiser, a £22,500 target needed to help restore Shakespeare’s statue, which was given to the town by David Garrick, was achieved and match-funded by Pragnell, the Wood Street jewellers.
Stratford mayor, Cllr Kevin Taylor said: “I am very proud we have such a stunning statue in place for the celebrations – it looks brilliant. It will be great for everyone to see William Shakespeare gleaming in the great weather we’ve had recently and for the summer ahead.
“What an attraction the statue and town hall will be after extensive restoration work to both. I think it’s just wonderful.”
International stars Dame Judi Dench and Sir Kenneth Branagh are due to officially unveil Shakespeare’s statue at Stratford Town Hall, on Friday at 1pm.