Significant roadworks start Monday
SIGNIFICANT roadworks will take place in Stratford at the Alveston Manor Roundabout from next Monday evening.
Night time full road closures with no access through the works will which are programmed from Monday 30th January to Friday 3rd February – 7pm to 11pm each night.
The exact details of the work, are: Monday 30th, removing existing road surface and laying first layer, (night). Tuesday 31st replacing and adjusting ironwork. Cleaning of drainage system, (night).
Weds 1st February, laying final surface, (night). Thursday 2nd finishing works and road markings, (night).
The road closure may be kept in place until 2am to allow materials to cure. The road will be fully open outside these hours.
There also roadworks on the Shipston Road in February
Full Road Closure but with access to residents and businesses will start on Sunday 19th February and end on Sunday 26th.
The expected working hours for this project are: Saturday and Sunday 8am to 5pm. Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm.
More information about Roadworks and Construction can be found on the Warwickshire Website: