Residents rally to support Stratford Foodbank project
Stratford Foodbank received a huge wave of support during its winter food drive earlier this month, but help is still needed to save its Christmas Hamper Project this year.
The project aims to deliver 400 hampers to those for whom the festive period may be difficult, but the charity needs your help to make that happen, because of the additional challenges the lockdown has thrown up.
Despite the lockdown conditions, shoppers rose to the cause donating 1,252kg of food costing more than £2,000 to the Foodbank during the three-day food drive at Tesco.
However the charity is appealing for just a bit more help to help get the Christmas Hampers Project over the line before its deadline on 9 December.
Foodbank manager Marion Homer, said: “The response to the food drive was amazing, and people really thought about what they were donating which was brilliant, Tesco have been fantastic too.
“What we’re really after now is tinned ham and Christmas cakes and puddings that will be within date on 25 December or beyond. People can still donate at our usual donation points and also now at our new collection point at Claverdon Community Stores.
“I would like to thank not just everyone who donated food but also those who have supported our JustGiving page and to Stratford Methodist Church, who have agreed to let us continue stay in residence into spring 2021.”
Foodbank collection baskets can be found at Tesco, Morrison’s, Waitrose, Lidl, Sainsbury’s Local on Bridge Street, Claverdon Community Stores and the Co-ops on Trinity Mead and in Bidford.
Food can also be donated at the Methodist Church on a Monday or Wednesday afternoon between 2 – 4pm or Saturday morning 9.30-11.30am.
Those making donations directly at the Methodist Church should press the buzzer marked Wesley Hall and stand back and wait for a volunteer to open the door.