Rats not welcome at RSC theatre gardens
Complaints about rats roaming Stratford’s theatre gardens have prompted the RSC to take action.
An environmental health report has claimed some members of the public were observed feeding rats, which had been “allowed to advance undisturbed” during lockdown.
After a visit by council pest controllers, the RSC has increased baiting and bin emptying and will be patrolling to deter anyone feeding the rats.
Last month the Herald featured footage of a nesting swan fending off rats on the banks of the river close to the theatre.
An RSC spokesperson said: “We have been working closely with colleagues at Stratford District Council to monitor the situation.
“Regular visits by pest control are in progress, the next of which will take place this week, with a follow-up visit planned for 29th June. Our security teams are fully briefed to record any sightings and have increased their patrols of the area in response.
“The RSC has also taken the precaution of cutting back any areas of significant growth within the gardens which may be used as cover. We will continue to work closely with our colleagues at the council and with local residents and visitors to monitor sightings and to implement precautions.”