Police file evidence against two Warwickshire Hunt members with CPS over fox kill
IN a week when Channel 4 news has raised fresh questions about Warwickshire Police’s policy towards hunting, details have emerged that action is being taken by the force against two men.
The national broadcaster’s evening bulletin on Monday highlighted ongoing concerns that Warwickshire Hunt has been receiving favourable treatment from the police after the original attempt to rein in its activities was watered down in a secret deal.
But yesterday, Wednesday, the police released a statement showing that action was being taken – and also explained why the original attempt to manage the situation had been changed for something better.
ACC David Gardner said: “Following a video circulated online, two males were interviewed in connection with alleged offences under Section 1 of the Hunting Act.
“Officers prepared a file on this and the matter is now with the Crown Prosecution Service, whose decision it is whether to charge.”
And he went on to outline why the police’s approach had shifted, after opponents thought the force had taken appropriate action against the chaos caused by the hunt when it rode out.
He said: “Last year we took civil action following concerns raised by the community over road safety while hunt activity took place.
“This came in the form of a Community Protection Notice [CPN], which we issued.
“The CPN outlined several steps that Warwickshire Hunt must take to ensure that both they and any members of the public using the roads are safe.”
Crucially, he stressed that road safety was the focus of the action, not the reports that foxes were still being chased and killed: “This civil order concerned safety around the roads. It had no bearing on the hunt’s legal right to trail hunt.”
“Warwickshire Hunt exercised their right to appeal against the CPN and this meant the CPN was suspended awaiting appeal.
“The Hunt then agreed to a protocol that will see the introduction of safety and monitoring measures that are far wider-reaching than anything the CPN originally stipulated.”
In terms of concerns about a lack of transparency over this he said it was out of their hands: “The protocol was agreed between solicitors for both sides during a mediation and is therefore confidential.”
But he added that the force would pursue criminal cases: “Neither a CPN nor a protocol impacts on our ability to investigate and seek prosecution for criminal acts.
“Officers welcome any reports of criminal offences.
“Those witnessing such incidents are asked to report them by calling 101 or visiting www.warwickshire.police.uk/ro/report.”