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Planning blueprint edges near to completion

STRATFORD-on-Avon District Council’s core strategy that will define how the district develops over the coming years is nearing adoption.

A final, six-week round of consultation begins today, Thursday.

The document has been under examination by an independent inspector since September 2014.

And following this process the inspector is provisionally minded to find it 'sound', subject to it incorporating a number of main modifications.

When adopted, it will give the council more control of sites that are developed for housing.

The proposed modifications include:

  • Increasing the district housing requirement to 730 new homes per year.
  • Retaining (with certain revisions) the proposals for a new settlement at Gaydon Lighthorne Heath and other housing allocations in the main towns.
  • Confirming the additional housing allocations proposed by the Council, including those at Long Marston Airfield; Bishopton Lane, Stratford; and Daventry Road, Southam.
  • Committing the Council to identifying through its Site Allocations Plan a broad range of reserve housing sites that could be brought forward for development should the need arise.
  • Deleting the proposed employment land site off the Birmingham Road (north of the Bishopton Roundabout) in favour of including a new allocation of 10ha of employment land at Atherstone Airfield to accommodate firms wishing to relocate from the Canal Quarter Regeneration Zone.
  • Emphasising the need to find appropriate new uses for previously developed brownfield land and at the same time protecting the Green Belt from unsuitable development.
  • Confirming the intention to retain and support the enhancement of the established flying functions and aviation related facilities at Wellesbourne Airfield.

The consultation will runs until Thursday, 12th May.

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: “I am delighted that the Inspector seems ready to declare our plan 'sound'.

"We look forward to the adoption of the core strategy this summer. It will enable us to manage development in a more objective manner.”

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