PICTURE SPECIAL: Large turnout at Warwickshire Hunt
WHILE there were reports of problems elsewhere in the country, all was quiet at the annual Warwickshire Hunt on Boxing Day, according to hunt organisers.
“The Warwickshire Hunt continues to be amazingly popular, and by God it’s an important part of our society” said hunt chairman, Sam Butler who believes the number of those either supporting or taking part at Wednesday’s event was 15 per cent up on last year.
“There were around 2,000 people and 100 horses. I spoke to a man from Stoke who brought his family along to Upton House for the start of the hunt, they put the date in the diary every year. He said he was there because the hunt was part of English countryside tradition and important to the rural economy. I would say the event remains popular even 14 years after the national ban came into effect,” Mr Butler said.
The Warwickshire Hunt lays scent trails on land which farmers or land owners have given their permission to use prior to the commencement of the hunt. The trail is known as a ‘drag hunt’ where hounds follow the chemicals laid across the countryside nevertheless many believe some foxes are still pursued to their deaths.
If a fox is killed Sam Butler said: “We will always hold our hands up and admit it if something goes wrong.”