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Biodiversity emergency motion fails to gain cabinet support

A motion calling on Stratford District Council to declare a biodiversity emergency in the district has failed to gain the support of cabinet members.

SDC (43766040)
SDC (43766040)

The motion, proposed by liberal democrat councillors Susan Juned and Manuela Perteghella, called for the action in order to preserve and enhance biodiversity within the district.

During a Cabinet meeting this month Cllr Juned argued that a forthcoming government white paper expected to outline a shakeup of the planning system, would not offer adequate protections to the district’s wildlife sites.

She said: “This is causing a lot of concerns among wildlife specialists but also amongst councillors up and down the country of all political flavours. It is the biggest housebuilding that will have taken place in 70 years, which if not planned for could cause huge damage to wildlife and wildlife places. In the 85 pages of that planning white paper, there is absolutely no mention at all of climate change or biodiversity.

“We must simply be doing more than we are doing now, even with the current protection sites wildlife sites are being destroyed within this district.”

The motion explained that such a declaration would see the council come up with policies to ensure new developments lead to a significant biodiversity gain in the district.

It also called on the council to lobby the government to meet its international commitments on biodiversity and a outlined a range of other measures designed to increase biodiversity in Stratford District.

However the motion failed to gain support from cabinet members, who were quick to point to the council’s declaration of a climate emergency last year and its commitment to combat climate change, arguing that there was no need to declare a separate biodiversity emergency.

Cllr Daren Pemberton, portfolio holder for place, said: “Based on the fact that we have already declared a climate emergency, that we have a number of existing plans and programmes in train and will continue to do so, I agree with the recommendation that we do not declare a separate biodiversity emergency.

“I’m a straight forward simple kind of guy and for me if you declare a climate emergency and you are going to save the planet, than you’ve got to save biodiversity as part of that.”

The motion will be considered by the full council next week.

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