‘Wear bright colours’ say family of young dad Joe Phipps as they release details of his funeral on 19th April
The family of Joe Phipps have released details of his funeral, which is open to all.
Young dad Joe, 23, sadly took his own life last month, after having mental health issues.
A family member said: “Joe’s funeral is open to all, everyone is welcome. Even if you only met him once and you’d like to come and say farewell please do.”
Joe's funeral will be held on Friday, 19th April at the Vale Crematorium in Fladbury at 2pm,
Followed by his wake at the Gate Inn Honeybourne.
“Heartbreakingly Joe believed that if he passed away no one would miss him,” said the family. “Please let's show him how extremely wrong he really was, everyone is welcome to come to the funeral and celebrate this incredible young man and pay respects to a life we lost way too soon.
“We would like everyone to come to the funeral in bright colours, even better if the men could attend in floral shirts (the uglier the better) to represent Joe's terrible taste in clothes.
The funeral will be family flowers only but anyone that would like to make a donation, we would like everyone to donate to the Gofundme page [‘In loving memory of Joe Phipps], as we will be setting up The Joe Phipps Foundation to help raise awareness for mental health.”