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New team tackling crime in south Warwickshire

A NEW team of Special Constables is proactively tackling crime across South Warwickshire. The south Warwickshire Special Constabulary Priorities Team (or Specials Priorities Team [SPT]) is made up of 17 skilled Special Constables who take on priorities identified by Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) across the south of the county.

The SPT addresses burglary, vehicle theft, drugs offences, rural crime and other local priorities in the major towns of Stratford-upon-Avon,

Alcester, Kenilworth, Leamington, Southam, and Warwick and the rural areas of south Warwickshire. The officers will be carrying out proactive operations, patrols and events as well as promoting crime prevention and awareness.

The focus of the team's activities is decided by SNT management and the SPT on a weekly basis. Consistent shifts and operations are organised according to the priority needs and how these can be tackled and solved. To achieve these SPT is working with local and specialist teams to deliver the most appropriate, focused service it can provide.

Martin Jelley, Chief Constable of Warwickshire Police, said: "Special Constables are an important part of our workforce and are members of the community who give up their own time in order to support policing in Warwickshire. The SPT is an innovative initiative that will address priority concerns and actively engage with our communities and partners in South Warwickshire in order to deliver solutions to local issues. The Special Constables who make up the team will be a visible and accessible presence, providing reassurance, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, and the harm these cause to local people and businesses. The team will also deliver prevention and early intervention activities in partnership with stakeholders, schools and other community partners".

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