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New Warwickshire health centre gets green light thanks to people power

PEOPLE power and the determination of 22 parish councils “speaking with one voice” has moved plans for a dedicated health centre in Upper Lighthorne a giant step forward.

The green light for a permanent GP practice serving 7,200 new residents and the existing population was given a massive boost at a specially convened meeting last Friday when all parties attending said the facility should be given the go-ahead.

The medical centre would serve 7,200 new residents and the existing population.
The medical centre would serve 7,200 new residents and the existing population.

Provision for a large health centre to service the 3,000 new homes built at Stratford District Council’s flagship housing development in Lighthorne was granted in 2015. A year later all services – including medical – were promised with financial aid from Section 106 agreements; medical provision was based on NHS estimates of 2.4 persons per household.

But alarm bells started ringing among parish councillors at Lighthorne last May when consultants were appointed to reassess the medical needs of the area despite the near completion of this major housing development. However, last Friday’s meeting at Stratford District Council appears to have overturned any suggestions of a rethink and forced the health centre right back to the top of the agenda.

“A collaboration of 22 parish councils, speaking with one voice, has resulted in an unprecedented move of support for the delivery of a new health centre in Upper Lighthorne,” Andy Smith, chairman of Lighthorne Parish Council, said.

“Despite the new health provision being a fundamental part of planning permission being granted, the question mark over the new facility came to the fore in May 2022 when GB Partners, the consultancy appointed by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to engage with local stakeholders, approached parish councils in Upper Lighthorne and Lighthorne and we quickly realised the implications of such an engagement as a potential U-turn on a proposed new health facility, and the subsequent consequences to other parishes served by the nearest GP practices, who are all operating at or near capacity.”

As a result neighbouring parish councils were contacted and 22 rallied to the cause. They forged ahead with a nine-month “programme of activity” to ensure a primary healthcare facility became an absolute priority for the community.

Last Friday’s decision was greeted with joy by district councillor Jacqui Harris, ward member for Upper Lighthorne Parish Council who chaired the meeting which she had called for. It was attended by Sir Jeremy Wright, the ICB and representatives of parish, district and county councils.

“This is excellent news not only for the Upper Lighthorne Parish area but for surrounding villages who are under pressure with their own building commitments and influx of new residents, putting demand on overstretched services,” Cllr Harris said.

“Long term, this will help remove some of the pressure from satellite surgeries, although the business case is yet to be prepared, this is excellent news for this end of Warwickshire.

“For me I am thrilled. This means young mums with toddlers and older members of the community will have GP services in Upper Lighthorne. There will be wider services also such as wellbeing and mental health care provided by multiple agency groups.”

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