Mixed feelings as fastfood chain Burger King prepares to re-open in Stratford
RESIDENTS around the Maybird Centre, Stratford, are furious at a decision by Stratford District Council to allow a fast-food drive-thru at the business park.
Work began this week on the construction of Burger King following approval by the district council’s planning committee in December.
It had previously been refused by the council in September 2022.
The work necessitates the removal of trees and landscaping to allow access to the drive-thru service which, say some of the residents, is going to create an environmental health hazard as well as offering unhealthy dietary choices.
Katie Beswick, who objected to the application along with other residents, said: “I am at a loss to understand how it could have been granted especially due to traffic and pollution.
“These companies come in and see the trees and habitat as furniture they can get rid of and then plant something else to pacify some superficial environmental policy.
“The same thing happened with Lidl when approximately 25 trees were felled to extend the car park and a beautiful old birch to give their sign more visibility
“People live here, hundreds of school children and residents walk up and down this road and they [the council] would do well to have our best interests at heart. This is a tremendous health risk.
“I am so disappointed by the planning department and the council for their lack of vision for what this town could be for the greater good of all.
“It is not surprising that their lack of vision is causing our town to stagnate and die. Not inspiring forward thinking environmentally conscious, creative, independent businesses to breathe new life here - instead more of the same generic multi-nationals and cheap, toxic food outlets.
“Such a shame.”
Not everyone shares her view, however, with some people on Facebook welcoming the arrival of a fast food outlet, one saying that it was better at the Maybird than in the town centre.
The new Burger King will be close to the site previously occupied by the company in 2009.
The company has not been able to give a proposed opening date for the business.