Local businesses invited to sponsor gardening awards
Chairman Steve Brookes said: “This year, for the very first time, we are offering all our existing sponsors and other local companies the chance to sponsor one of the prestigious individual awards.
“It is a great opportunity for local businesses to get directly involved with Stratford in Bloom, support the work we do in the community and receive excellent exposure for comparatively little cost.”
The cost of sponsoring an award is £200. For this the company will have an award category dedicated to them with their name engraved on the corresponding glass trophy.
Each company will also be invited to present the award to the winner at the presentation evening and receive a framed photograph of the award being presented.
They will also be highlighted in the evening programme and on the Stratford in Bloom website, as well as in the subsequent press release.
Cash raised from the sponsorship will go towards increasing the beauty of the town through additional floral displays and help support the community projects which Stratford in Bloom is committed to undertaking each year.
The organisation says that 2015 has been a hugely successful year with its floral displays receiving plaudits from not only countless local residents and business but also from visitors to the town.
Stratford in Bloom is asking those who’re interested in sponsoring the presentation evening awards to contact its secretary, Miriam Dow, on 01789 417852 or email infor@stratfordinbloom.org.uk