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Lee’s been a Stratford butcher from teen to retiring

AT the age of 13, Lee Hillier started working, part-time, at Dewhurst Butchers in a career which was to span 46 years. Now, at the age of 62 he’s about to call it a day having seen a lot of changes in Stratford over that time.

Just a few months after his 16th birthday, Lee left Stratford High School (then Hugh Clopton) having been previously educated at Broad Street Primary School (now Stratford Primary School) and has been a butcher most of his working life.

Lee Hillier, of Hilliers Butchers in Brookside Road, is hanging up his meat cleaver on his retirement this week. Photo: Mark Williamson
Lee Hillier, of Hilliers Butchers in Brookside Road, is hanging up his meat cleaver on his retirement this week.                                                                      Photo: Mark Williamson

He was lucky to start work as a young boy in the 1970s, a time when shopping in town centres was still in its heyday.

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