Justins Avenue work eases Birmingham Road tailbacks
WARWICKSHIRE County Council is completing work on Justins Avenue to ease the traffic congestion which tails back on to the Birmingham Road (A3400) in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Traffic turning right at the junction into Justins Avenue has long tailed back along the Birmingham Road as it has not been able to use the full width of Justins Avenue when turning in and subsequently stops. Parking outside the post office and public house has meant that the carriageway can only accommodate one vehicle at a time.
County Councillor for Stratford Avenue and New Town, Cllr Keith Lloyd led a consultation with local businesses and submitted an application to Warwickshire County Council's delegated budget for highways in Stratford on Avon.
Funding was allocated to create partial footway parking along the Justins Avenue. This allows cars to park half on and half off the road, considerably increasing the width of the carriageway, enabling two cars to pass simultaneously and avoiding the incidence of cars blocking access to the Justins Avenue from the Birmingham Road.
Work has been undertaken during the Easter holidays to minimise disruption to commuters. The existing footway will also be reconstructed as part of the scheme.
Cllr Lloyd said: "This junction, a busy road and a school bus route, has been a major problem for motorists and local residents for many years.
"On behalf of the county council, I liaised with local residents as well as local businesses. It was imperative to them that the road was still able to accommodate parking.
"This solution is pragmatic and practical and enables cars to park without impeding either two way traffic on Justins Avenue, nor does it limit pedestrian access. I was pleased to use delegated member budget to contribute towards funding the scheme which will make the Birmingham Road safer and keep traffic moving."
Warwickshire County Council has a delegated member budget of nearly £2million per annum for highways which members can choose to allocate towards schemes in their wards which benefit local transport.