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Ilmington artist Naomi Hands-Smith’s illustration of Captain Sir Tom Moore goes viral after his death

NOT only did Captain Sir Tom Moore raise millions for NHS Charities Together, he became a Covid hero to the whole nation.

When he died aged 100 this week, many looked for ways of expressing the emotional impact of his loss.

That’s when people began to share Ilmington artist Naomi Hands-Smith’s wonderful illustration of him that seemed to perfectly capture his indomitable spirit, his fragility and his hope for the future.

Even though the image has become a social media sensation, shared thousands of times, Naomi is philosophical that some have chosen not to credit her – even cutting off her signature. She just asks that those who feel they might be inspired by the image to donate to Sir Tom’s charity page (see below).

Naomi Hands-Smith's illustration of Captain Sir Tom Moore. (44295458)
Naomi Hands-Smith's illustration of Captain Sir Tom Moore. (44295458)

Speaking to the Herald after his death, Naomi said: “Sir Tom is the most inspirational example of what courage, determination and strength can achieve in troubled times. He has been and will continue to be our hero.

“The drawing was my personal tribute, a reminder to myself to never be blinded by power or celebrity again, but rather to look within ourselves to navigate our way through tough times.

“It is so, so wonderful that so many have identified with the drawing. I truly hope it can bring some comfort at this time.”

To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/captaintomfoundation.

Find more details about Naomi's work here.

See the Herald's story about the artwork from last May.

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