Warwick Road will close in both directions overnight on weekdays from 3rd June; but works are running on time for July finish
There is more inconvenience to come with Warwick Road when the route closes completely overnight on weekdays for resurfacing work.
The road is scheduled to close in both directors from 3rd June to 7th July, from 8pm to 6am, Monday to Friday, meaning drivers will have to seek alternative routes to and from the Warwick direction.
In addition motorists will see changes to traffic management layouts in the coming weeks to accommodate work on both sides of the carriageway. A chicane will be implemented through the site.
Warwickshire County Council, which is responsible for highways, responded to criticisms that workers were rarely seen at the site after 4pm.
A spokesperson said: “There have been questions raised by residents about why the workforce stop work at about 4pm each day on the project rather than working into the early evenings. The reason for this is that WCC is principally funding this project with a £1.32m grant from the Department for Transport. The council is working with its contractor, Balfour Beatty, to deliver the scheme in as cost effective a way as possible, making best use of that funding. The working patterns employed reflect that. Changing these working patterns would result in increased costs, beyond the scope of the budget.”
The council thanked residents for their patience, and said how pleased it was with the progress of the work and that it is on schedule – with the planned five-month timetable due to be completed in July, exact date to be confirmed.
Work undertaken in the last two weeks includes footway construction, verge works and completing the gabion walls – wired cages filled with rocks.
Cllr Jan Matecki, WCC portfolio holder for transport and planning, said: "We're pleased with the progress made on the A439 scheme. The new footway and junction improvements will create a safer and more accessible environment for everyone. We appreciate the patience of the local community as we continue these important works."
The aim of the next tranche of works will focus on completion of gabion walls and footway between Ingon Lane and Stratford (surface course in early June).
Installation of the central refuge and footway at Fisherman's Car Park and preparation of the remaining footway for the surface course are also planned.
Work will also commence on street lighting installation, and carriageway widening opposite Ingon Lane will also be started.
There will be a delay in a short section of the carriageway and footway works due to a change in piling methods. Structural piles are used to create a solid foundation for roads and paths.
Cllr Tim Sinclair, county councillor for Stratford North, added: “Whenever I come past now, I always see a lot of activity along the full length of the site, with a lot of workers present. It’s good to see the works on schedule and progressing well. It will only be a matter of weeks before they are finished.”