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Gang of four bring together expert advice on Covid-19

Warwickshire County Council leader, Izzi Seccombe.
Warwickshire County Council leader, Izzi Seccombe.

A SPECIAL website has been set up by Warwickshire County Council and its partners as one of 11 national beacons for the Test and Trace programme.

The work of the county, alongside Coventry City Council, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and the West Midlands Combined Authority, is highlighted at: https://staysafecsw.info/

It includes key information such as publicly available data sources, advice and resources on how to stay safe and signposts to the NHS Test and Trace service.

The site also hosts the local outbreak plans for Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire.

These set out the approach taken by each authority to achieve their aim of reducing new community cases of Covid-19, while managing the most complex incidents of Covid-19 outbreaks in communities.

This includes managing outbreaks in specific settings such as care homes, schools and workplaces.

They also set out what steps will be taken to control the spread of Covid-19 at local level if numbers grow and further steps are required to prevent the rapid growth of the pandemic locally, working with national government.

They involve working with communities to get across the importance of continued social distancing, getting tested through NHS 119 and self-isolating if you have symptoms or have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case.

County council leader Cllr Izzy Seccombe said: “The microsite will play a key role in helping to keep people informed about the work we are doing as one of 11 beacon authorities.

“It will help us to ensure that we are doing everything we can together to manage Covid-19 cases and any outbreaks along with providing important advice and guidance for our residents to help slow the spread of the virus.”

Leader of Solihull Council, Cllr Ian Courts, said: “As community leaders the three councils have the local knowledge and intelligence to promote the 'prevent' messages and deal with any potential outbreaks.

“It is vital we take our communities with us as we continue to reduce infection rates and respond to any outbreaks. Local support and understanding will be key to controlling the virus in the sub-region.”

The outbreak plans are overseen and approved by each local authority Covid-19 Health Protection Board which consists of representatives from Public Health England, NHS, trading standards, environmental health, social care and education.

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