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National Highways announce long wait for improvements: Billesley junction in 2025 and while lines and signs as late as 2030

Money is being prioritised over lives, was the conclusion of one A46 safety campaigner as some improvements on the road were announced this week.

The National Highways told the Herald that a developer, IM Properties, would be undertaking costs of improvements to Billesley junction, while it would be looking at improving white lines and signage.

National Highways development manager for the Midlands, Ian Doust, said: “As part of plans for new housing in the western Stratford area a third party developer is planning to make improvements to the Billesley junction which will include a dedicated right turn lane. We regularly engage with the developer about their plans and the scheme’s design and construction, which is currently planned for spring 2025.

“In addition National Highways are planning safety improvements to the signage and white-lining along the A46 between Alcester and Bishopton which, due to availability of funding, will be delivered in the next roads investment strategy period of 2025 to 2030.”

The news comes after the Herald launched a campaign demanding that action be taken to improve safety on the route from Stratford to Alcester after yet another fatality on 13th October, in which a young male driver died.

The A46 has been described as “treacherous” in parts as its wide single lanes invite reckless overtaking and high speeds. In addition, numerous junctions and road turnings on the fast road are deemed hazardous by local road users.

Councillor Mark Cargill (Alcester Town, Con) has campaigned for safety improvements to the A46 for almost a decade.

On 17th November he met with Mr Doust, along with Stratford MP Nadhim Zahawi, to advocate for improvements that were first promised in 2018.

The plans included localised widening to provide right turn lanes and updated signage to Billesley, Binton and Haselor junctions.

But in 2021 it was announced that plans had been shelved due to lack of funding, although go slow signs were installed near Croft Lane.

Now Cllr Cargill despairs that safety is taking a back seat to finance.

Following the announcement, he told the Herald: "I am extremely disappointed at Highways England's response to what has been universally recognised as a section of the A46 with a significant safety record. For what, in the grand scheme of things, is a relatively small amount of money, we could drastically reduce the collisions we are now seeing.

“How many families could we save from not see a loved one again? This is a responsibility we all share. There is the money available, it just how we intelligently use it to the best of our abilities."

Meanwhile Mr Zahawi put a slightly more positive spin on the news.

He said: “I am delighted that an improvement scheme on the Binton/Billesley junctions has now been developed. This includes a separate right hand turn area if travelling from Alcester, and a proper pedestrian refuge in the road. Sadly, although this was good news, it was equally frustrating to hear that the start date for this work is April 2025, however I expect that the Haselor Hill turnoff will happen sooner than that, likely next year. I will continue to hold National Highways to account to ensure these much-needed improvements are carried out on the A46.”

What improvements would you like to see made on the A46? Do you have an A46 experience that you would like to share? Email the team at news@stratford-herald.com.

There is still time to sign up to the Herald’s ‘A46 Action’ petition. Visit www.change.org.

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