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Evesham Road roundabout works could cause traffic delays

Over a year of traffic delays are expected on a main road into Stratford as work is due to begin on building a new roundabout.

Roadworks are due to begin on the 21st February at the junction of Evesham Road and Luddington Road to allow for a new roundabout to be built, which would provide access to the 800-home housing development currently under construction in Shottery.

As well as the construction of a new roundabout, the works will see the existing culvert underneath Evesham Road be replaced and tanks installed to manage rainwater drainage.

The roundabout is being built to provide access to the Stratford Western Relief Road currently under construction.

Works will begin on 21st February and are expected to run until 24th March 2023, and while no road closures are planned, delays for motorists are expected as temporary traffic signals will be in place.

A spokesperson for Warwickshire County Council said: “The works to construct a new four arm roundabout on the existing B439 Evesham Road at the Luddington Road junction will commence on 21st February 2022.

“The new roundabout will form the southern connection to the Stratford Western Relief Road. The works will include the removal of the existing Shottery Brook culvert beneath the Evesham Road and replacement with a new pre-cast concrete box culvert. An additional pre-cast concrete box culvert is also to be installed as part of a section of realignment of the Shottery Brook.

“These works also include the installation of an underground cellular storage tank as part of the new highway drainage system. They will be carried out by Montel Civil Engineering Ltd and will supervised by Warwickshire County Council.”

On the traffic measures that will be in place as a result of the works, WCC said: “Traffic management measures will be in place for the duration of the works to provide safe working areas for the Contractor and the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians through the works.

“These will be in place to ensure safety at all times during these activities, tree clearance works and whilst a new culvert beneath Evesham Road is under construction. Currently there are no planned road closures in connection with these works, which are expected to take 57 weeks to complete.”

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