Customers raise money for library
THERE was plenty of activity at Bidford-on-Avon Community Library recently thanks to a new donation from Warner’s Budgens to help develop community activities and groups at the library.
Over the last six months, customers at Warner’s Budgens in Bidford-upon-Avon have been supporting the library through the Warner’s Budgens Community Savings Scheme, and have raised £409.78 for the library to develop its network of community activities and groups.
Every time a customer spends over £10 in store, they receive a Community Savings token which is then converted into cash for local projects.
Since becoming a Community Library — run totally by volunteers, back in 2012, the library has received over £4,500 from Warner’s Budgens Community Savings Scheme.
Warner’s Budgens has also handed donations to Honeybourne Community Centre (£416.90), St David’s Primary School in Moreton-in-Marsh (£507.18), Winchcombe Medical Centre (£356.10), and Winchcombe Scouts (£301.56)