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River Meadow Dog Walking appeals against Stratford District Council rules that mean no more than three adults can walk dogs on seven-acre Clifford Chambers site

THE confusing doggie dos and don’ts faced by a couple who own a dog walking business in Clifford Chambers has left them with no choice but to appeal the conditions imposed by Stratford District Council (SDC) in the hope of getting them overturned.

Everything seemed like a stroll in the park for husband-and-wife team, Myles and Linda Pollock, when their planning application to change seven acres of agricultural land into a dog walking area was granted in February but certain conditions were tagged on to the application which the couple claim is a barrier to their business.

While there is a regular stream of dog walkers willing to pay money for the facility, Myles and Linda – who run River Meadow Dog Walking - are baffled by the third condition on a list of eight set by the council which states that walking parties must not include any more than three individuals and no more than four dogs can go on any of the pre-booked walks.

Linda said: “What if you have a family of four with two adults and two children, does that mean one of the children has to stay at home while the others walk the dog? What if a grandmother from Yorkshire wanted to spend time with her family and grandchildren taking the dog for walk on our land, what happens then? There is also another issue here. Some dog owners like to have birthday parties for their pets when they visit us and sometimes people host litter re-unions, what about the numbers involved then?”

Other conditions listed include the maximum number of bookings at the site per day can’t be any more than six and can’t last any longer than 60 minutes although half that time is available if requested.

In its decision letter of February, the district council did point out why the conditions were necessary. The reasoning was to ensure, ‘there is no detrimental effect upon the character and amenity of the area and the amenity of neighbouring residential properties according to the Stratford Core Strategy 2011-2031.’

The Pollocks have also been advised by the council that because they are using the area as country land it’s classified as an amenity and has to be registered with SDC.

Linda and Myles have been in the Clifford Chambers area for 25 years and used to keep 40 to 50 sheep on the land along with horses. They say the dog walking park is a much-needed facility in response to the increased number of dogs people now have as pets and it encourages people to get out into the fresh air and exercise on a secure environment which meets all health and safety protocols.

The couple have volunteered for over 12 years with Dogs for Good which supports people with disabilities or autism and any clients with dogs in training can use the facilities for free.

“We don’t want to rock the boat but the problem is the conditions imposed which we are appealing, have not left us on an even playing field with other dog walking facilities in the area. They do not encourage rural enterprise and we are looking after the land for the next generation. It is our aim to maintain our 7.5 acres for the future.”

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