Community Speedwatch group relaunched in Stratford
A COMMUNITY speedwatch scheme has been relaunched in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Volunteers have been trained to carry out patrols on the streets of the town centre.
There are around 20 groups currently operating speedwatch patrols across other areas of Warwickshire, but this will be the first time a group has been active in the town area in over five years.
Community Speedwatch schemes see trained volunteers from the community monitoring the speeds of vehicles with approved, hand-held speed measurement devices.
Where vehicle speeds exceed the limit, a letter is sent to the registered keeper by the police with the aim of encouraging them to reduce their speed when driving in the future.
PCSO Dominic Bes-Jeary, of Stratford Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “Excessive or inappropriate speed affects the quality of life for many communities across the town.
“Enabling local communities to take an active role in addressing concerns about speeding traffic allows us to be more responsive to the needs of local communities.
"I am really looking forward to helping and developing this group.”
The aim of the scheme, say police, is not to catch as many speeding drivers as possible, but to encourage them to drive within the speed limit.
And feedback suggests that motorists visibly slow down when they see high-visibility jackets by the roadside, which is a positive effect in itself.
Warwickshire Police say the effectiveness of speedwatch schemes are regularly evaluated and that speed data collected is used to determine the nature of the problem and if any further action will be taken.
Anyone interested in joining Stratford Community Speedwatch should contact PCSO Dominic Bes-Jeary via e-mail at