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Christmas appeal - Stratford Tesco is collecting toys for Shakespeare Hospice

TESCO Express is collecting toys to spread some Christmas cheer to children across south Warwickshire.

The store in Bridge Street, Stratford, is collecting unopened toys that will be handed over to The Shakespeare Hospice’s children and family support service, which is available to those aged five to 18 who have had a sudden or expected bereavement, or are facing the loss of someone close to them who has a life-limiting illness.

The Christmas toy donation box. (61117215)
The Christmas toy donation box. (61117215)

The service is delivered through a range of activities including one-to-one and therapeutic group sessions, social activities and events, and short residential trips. The team also supports parents, carers, guardians and teachers by providing specialist advice, support and training.

Store manager Hash Zafar said: “At Tesco, we are always working extremely hard to better the local community. We have already donated 1,405kg food to charity and 602kg food for animals.

“Over the last nine months, we have supported six organisations with community grants. With Christmas around the corner and with current issues that we all face, we thought it would be nice for less fortunate children to receive some presents on Christmas.”

Toys must be handed into the store by Friday, 16th December.

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