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Braving the shave Shakespearean style for MIND

Daniel Chapman
Daniel Chapman

THE Bard’s may be one of the world’s most famous balding heads but his fellow townsman has made a bold move in his image.

Lifelong Stratfordian Daniel Chapman, 41, has already raised more than £1,000 for mental health charity MIND just days after braving the Shakespearean shave.

Daniel, who works for NFU Mutual in Tiddington, has battled Bi-Polar Affective Disorder for 25 years, so when he was invited to a Shakespeare-themed 50th birthday party it was the perfect opportunity to go bald like the Bard for a cause close to his heart.

At the party, organised by Daniel’s aunty Georgina Castle to celebrate her 50th recently, the razor came out to give Daniel the partially-scalped Shakespeare look.

The whole lot came off after the party, except for the beard that Daniel has been growing for two months. In the process he has raised £1,030 so far for MIND. Daniel said: “I wanted to raise as much money as possible for mental health charity MIND because more people suffer in silence than you think.

My problems have been severe, having been sectioned and so on, but hopefully other people will be able to go to somewhere like MIND, which is so important, to help with their problems, before they develop into something more severe.”

Daniel, who has worked in the NFU’s accounts department for 17-and-a-half years, first suffered from depression when he was about 13 years old, when depression was not known about or understood. He had a major psychotic episode aged 16, was hospitalised at Hatton and diagnosed as Bi-Polar – a condition then called manic depression.

Since then he has been in and out of institutions with regular breakdowns around every couple of years. But Daniel has had lots of support from his employer and colleagues and life is currently good, which he puts down to lifestyle changes he has made.

His medication has changed and reduced and he has been living healthily, as well as going on a mindfulness course and meditating. Daniel added: “The NFU is such a good company to work for, they have been so supportive, which is sadly not always the case in many companies.”

To support Daniel go to: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/daniel-chapman47

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