Blooming good was the verdict on this year’s Tysoe flower show and fete
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BLOOMING good was the verdict on this year’s Tysoe flower show and fete.
As well as the centre-piece traditional flower and produce show, several new attractions were on offer this time around.
A Bakayoka music drum workshop was a huge hit, proving popular with all ages.
More than 1,500 people flocked to the event which included falconry, gun dog, dry stone walling and farrier displays.
The entertainment, which covered two fields, also included Morris dancing, a pottery workshop, Shipston town band, vintage cars and tractors, archers, beekeepers, raffle, face painting, a dog show and a weavers, spinners and dyers demonstration.
There was also a gin bar, crepes, ice cream, pizza and a BBQ.
This year’s Petticoat Lane was the biggest ever, with 30 shopping stalls.
Last year, the committee donated £3,500 to including to Tysoe sports group, allowing it to stage the village’s annual bonfire and fireworks display.
Chairman Steve Allen said: “It takes 12 months of planning to make all this happen but we have a great committee.
“Everything we raise goes back into the village and local charities and clubs.
“The feedback we’ve had is that this was the best show so far but now we’re already thinking about next year’s.”