Act now or expect surge in Covid cases residents told
Rising coronavirus cases across Warwickshire have prompted the county council to urge residents to do the right thing and protect each other.
Over the last few weeks COVID-19 cases have been rising across the county with Warwickshire now at 48 cases per 1,000.
Whilst this may seem low compared to the previous peak in March 2021, the figures are going up. This is also the picture nationally and regionally with a rise in the Delta variant playing a key role.
The rules of hands, face, space and fresh air still apply, and indoor gatherings remain restricted to six people or two households. People should be taking regular tests to monitor the spread of the virus and getting both vaccine doses as soon as they are offered.
Dr Shade Agboola, Director of Public Health for Warwickshire said: “The number of reported cases are increasing across the county and although the rise in cases remain relatively low compared to where we have been, if we don’t act now, we can expect to see a surge in cases which will lead to hospitalisations and in some instances a higher number of deaths.
“Throughout the pandemic residents have played a key role in reducing COVID cases and whilst I know that people just want to return to a more normal way of living, we need to do it safely. We know that coronavirus is still in our communities, and we need to do everything we can to stop the spread.
“The advice that was given near the start of the pandemic is just as important today as it was then. Wash your hands regularly, wear a face covering in public places, keep a social distance from those you do not live with, and ensure that you open windows and doors when you have visitors in your home. This advice is key in preventing the spread.
“The vaccine uptake is also playing a key role and we are doing really well in Warwickshire, but I would encourage everyone to book their first and second jabs when invited. However, as with many vaccines, just because you are vaccinated, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still catch the virus or spread it. So, the advice of hands, face, space and fresh air remains key.”
Councillor Margaret Bell, portfolio holder for adult social care and health added: “I would like to say thank you to all Warwickshire residents who have stepped up and played their part in the fight against COVID-19, and continue to do the right thing for Warwickshire as we work together to reduce COVID cases within our communities.
“As a community, we all have a part to play, so please ensure that you continue to follow the national advice to help to keep Warwickshire communities safer. It has been a long and difficult journey for many of us, but together we can make a difference. So please remember hands, face, space and fresh air and continue with twice weekly testing.”
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