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4x4 owners urged to help the NHS this winter

Lead Volunteer Coordinator Graeme Wright outside Warwick Hospital with Clinical Sister Sarah Rawlings
Lead Volunteer Coordinator Graeme Wright outside Warwick Hospital with Clinical Sister Sarah Rawlings

Owners of 4x4 vehicles are being urged to help the NHS in South Warwickshire this winter by joining a volunteer driver club supporting the service.

The South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) has formed a partnership with the Warwickshire 4x4 Volunteers Club, which last year helped healthcare staff get to their places of work, despite heavy snowfall.

The volunteers also transported nurses to patients’ homes to ensure they got the help they needed.

The arrangement with the club has been formalised this year so plans can be put in place in case another testing winter comes around.

Part of this approach is taking on more volunteers who are able to help out if the need arises.

Drivers need to have their own 4x4 vehicles with valid insurance and be willing to join a WhatsApp group that Lead Volunteer Coordinator will use to support the response during times of extreme weather conditions.

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a volunteer contact Graeme Wright, lead volunteer coordinator, by emailing warwickshire4x4volunteers@gmail.com

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