£1.6m to make homes greener
£1.6million is set to be spent making low-income housing across the district more energy efficient.
The money will be used to make homes healthier, warmer and cheaper to heat, whilst helping to reduce carbon emissions and tackle the climate emergency.
The cash has come from a bid to the Government’s Local Authority Delivery Scheme and is aimed at low-earning residents living in the least energy efficient homes.
An initial £650,000 will be spent upgrading 65 properties at the Wootton Wawen Park Home site with new external wall insulation.
However Once the project is up and running, the District Council will be targeting other areas where the grant funding is expected to benefit householders and cut emissions.
According to a report on the district council’s website the time is ticking to spend the cash, with a deadline in December looming, however the authority is expected to bid for further funds in 2022.
Cllr Ian Shenton, Climate Change Portfolio Holder and Ward Member where the first project is starting said: “I am delighted that our residents are able to benefit from this investment by the Government. These funds will not only enable the residents to lower their fuel bills – but also contribute to carbon reduction. It’s a ‘win-win’.”
Cllr Jo Barker, Homes, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder also commented: “We are delighted that this scheme is going ahead. We are also very mindful that there is a lot of work to be done across the District – so this is the first of many such projects. We are also pleased to be working alongside Orbit Housing on a Government backed scheme to invest in their housing stock. We look forward to a lot of lower energy bills and lower carbon emissions.”
The District Council is also currently working with a local housing association to see a major investment in the social sector – and further projects will be aimed at rented properties as well as owner occupied accommodation.