10 April 2016
The Shakespeare Hospice shop in Greenhill Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, has re-opened as the charity’s first designer boutique. “We get so many amazing…
09 April 2016
A CHARITY reuse shop at Wellesbourne Recycling Centre was burgled on Monday 4th April. Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) reported that burglars…
09 April 2016
A CAR collided with an outbuilding in Bearley this afternoon (Saturday 9th April). Two fire engines from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue assisted Warwickshire…
09 April 2016
IN-FORM Frome completed the league double over Stratford Town, who are still not mathematically safe from relegation, writes Bryan Hale. Two more points…
09 April 2016
THE clock is ticking and Stratford’s Emily Kirk is in training for the London Marathon on Sunday 24th April. The former Alcester Grammar School pupil…
09 April 2016
A HORSE was rescued from a ditch, near Shipston-on-Stour this morning (Saturday). A fire crew, along with the Large Animal Rescue Team, from Rugby, were…
09 April 2016
BILLED as ‘an intimate comedy’, Second Thoughts Drama Group are set to perform Noel Coward’s Private Lives at the Bear Pit Theatre, in Stratford-upon-Avon,…
09 April 2016
SHAKESPEARE’S signet ring — renowned for being pressed into molten wax seals — is to be recreated by Stratford-upon-Avon jewellers Pragnells in a unique…
08 April 2016
WITH Father’s Day just around the corner how about spoiling the special man in your life with an extra special gift? Picture this, your dad on the first…
08 April 2016
Body Doubl e, The Bear Pit Theatre, Stratford, runs until Saturday, 9th April IN acting parlance, a ‘body double’ is an actor who substitutes for a leading…
08 April 2016
A MAN has appeared in court to face 12 charges including two relating to two car fires on a Warwick estate at the weekend. Tom Michael Weedon, of no fixed…
08 April 2016
A MUCH-LOVED and respected Stratfordian, Diana Brownhill, died unexpectedly at her home on Easter Sunday. Diana spent all her working life in Stratford-upon-Avon,…
08 April 2016
THREE leading south Warwickshire businessmen have told the Stratford-upon-Avon Herald want Britain out of the EU. They are Denys Shortt, founder, chairman…
08 April 2016
CHARLES and Camilla will be in Stratford-upon-Avon for the Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations later this month, it has been confirmed today, Friday. Clarence…
07 April 2016
SIX people will contest next month's election to be the next Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner. The deadline for nominations passed on Wednesday…
07 April 2016
HUGELY contentious plans to introduce parking charges at Stratford’s Greenway car parks are to be considered by the ruling cabinet of Warwickshire County…
07 April 2016
URGENT moves are under way to save Stratford’s Ken Kennett community centre in Justins Avenue from imminent closure. Clopton Community Forum, the charity…
07 April 2016
“LEAVE Europe? It would ruin my life!” Those are the words of Ingrid Stevens, from Germany, who was in Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday to be with supporters…
07 April 2016
ONE of Stratford-upon-Avon’s leading business figures has told commercial leaders they have to go for growth or risk their companies failing. Denys Shortt…
07 April 2016
A COPY of Shakespeare's First Folio estimated to be worth millions of pounds has been discovered in a stately home on a Scottish island. The 1623 first…