More frustration with no trains on key route during busy weekend.
Opposition councillors put forward suggestions as SDC prepares its 2024-25 budget.
A plan to shorten the summer school holiday to five weeks is being considered by Warwickshire County Council.
More than £1 million of grants from Stratford Town Trust helped charities, good causes, schools and community groups last year
PC Dan Gentles is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman while on duty in May 2023, police said.
The two-minute video shows flood water surrounding buildings on the Recreation Ground in Stratford.
The Body Shop has hired administrators, putting thousands of jobs at the cosmetics chain at risk.
Fenny Marina, which is on the Oxford Canal at Station Fields in Fenny Compton, had been due to go to auction last week.
The Stratford-based charity has placed two people temporarily in the position as it seeks a replacement.
The Great Alne firm, which is now owned by investment firm the Breal Group, has unveiled an English Heritage Collection.
Patrick Cassidy, 38, of Child’s Close, Stratford, said he had been drinking when he attacked the man.
Disappointment as shows cancelled until June.
By 2050 workers may need to be 71 before they retire, suggests a new report, but why is the state pension age becoming such a big issue in the UK?
Martha Wainwright, 16, will see the medals she designed handed to finishers of the Shakespeare Marathon and Half-marathon.
Remy Gordon, Kami Carpenter and Reegan Anderson are charged with killing the Cody Fisher during a fight on the dancefloor.
Officers stated that anyone who sees him should call 999 at the earliest opportunity.
Some of the news stories making headlines in Stratford in 1924, 1964 and 1999.
A protest was held at the county council after the comments made by three councillors about SEND children and their families.
The spring programme for Stratford has been announced with tickets on sale next week.
A Covid-19 booster jab will be offered to millions of patients in the spring and for the first time more children will be offered an extra vaccine.