AN unrecorded First Folio of William Shakespeare’s collected works is expected to fetch between £800,000 and £1.2 million when it is auctioned by Christie’s…
CONTROVERSIAL plans for a recycling plant at Ettington to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, were approved this week by Warwickshire County Council. The…
A CONTROVERSIAL proposal by Stratford businessman Tony Bird to erect a statue of William Shakespeare on Bridge Street traffic island in the town has been…
THE vexed issue of affordable housing in the Stratford-on-Avon district was highlighted this week with one local councillor arguing that young people…
“The decision should be ratified by full council on 29th February,” she said. “The district council knows it is a much valued and needed service which…
Members of the public may attend the inquiry and express their views, at the discretion of the inspector. The Planning Inspectorate references are APP/J3720/W/15/3017900…
The tribunal was told that DS Hinton had praised Mr Mitchell for his “candour” at the meeting in the MP’s Sutton Coldfield constituency, but then told…
Lucy told the Herald : “We have a big job to dispel the myths that have built up over decades. But I’m confident we have the winning argument and winning…
Lucy told the Herald : “We have a big job to dispel the myths that have built up over decades. But I’m confident we have the winning argument and winning…
Leading voices in the district – especially in business circles – had argued that the district had missed a golden opportunity to be part of an exciting…
Hogan’s is a small independent cider producer whose founder, Alan Hogan, is pro-EU membership. Ms Thomas grew up in Haselor and then in Stratford and…
He told the Herald: “In the last three and a half years Stratford District Council has spent over £2 million on planning appeals, most of which went on…
In a strategic capacity he introduced a structure of safer neighbourhood teams who worked closely with their communities, addressing issues of local concern.…
But the fact that Stratford District Council is planning an increase of any kind has immediately sparked a political row because the ruling Conservatives…
Located within walking distance of Stratford Parkway Station, approximately a third of the site will remain as open space, enabling the provision of recreational…
The Birthplace Trust is seeking cash to help its proposals to develop an international visitor centre in Henley Street and improve the conservation and…
Mr Ball, a former British Airways pilot, added: “I believe it is right to make my decision known early for a number of reasons, not least because…
“Respondents are saying the wrong questions are being asked,” said Cllr Kettle. “An understanding of the local traffic situation is critical.” He said…
The suggestion was among a wide range of options presented in a report to Stratford Town Council this week by transport consultant David Tucker, who is…
In a statement after the cabinet meeting Cllr Colin Hayfield (Cons, Arley), the county council’s portfolio holder for education and learning, said: “Cabinet…