National Grid said a fault on the high voltage network on 25th December initially impacted more than 750 homes.
There is concern South Warwickshire residents are being told no room on any of the four buses, even five days or more ahead.
More than 50 vehicles decked out in fairy lights took part in the three-hour journey.
It’s Christmas Day and the nurses from the Shakespeare Hospice will be working with families and their loved ones.
Greens Party councillors had suggested shortening the length of time down to 2042.
Mihaly Bencsik and Csaba Szabo originally offered 50 free festive meals to struggling families in the Alcester area.
Warwickshire farmers hit back by stressing they don’t feed their cows “synthetic rubbish”.
Nick Dearling inherited the macabre item from his father Leslie who was part of the RAF’s elite photographic reconnaissance unit.
The town has been praised for helping an armed forces veteran in “the true spirit of Christmas”.
Apology from hunt after female saboteur suffered fractured coccyx after the collision on the Upton Estate.
Verity Hannah makes the hazardous journey along the A3400 while also pushing two-and-a-half-year-old in a buggy.
More than 50 tractors and trucks decked in fairy lights made their way from Lower Quinton to Admington.
Cathy Wassell launched the Autistic Girls Network after discovering they are diagnosed six years later than boys.
The Alcester community has rallied to support Emily Butler’s efforts in memory of her dad, Mark.
Lucy Penn, 10 and Eliza, five, are making key-rings and ornaments to aid Children in Need.
Dawn Chaplin worked for Barbara Joseph at her Alveston home for more than two years.
Cuts to NHS funding stretching back years, combined with rocketing costs are impacting many independent pharmacists.
It’s an ongoing problem with recent incidents sparking concern in Stratford and Henley
Sainsbury’s has had its planning application for a new store rejected.
Tom Horbury, of Ridley’s Coaches, says it’s easier to drive in central London than Shottery.